
Reports for Download

Periodical Reports (includes monthly research and sponsored projects pivot table and chartbooks)

Custom analysis samples

Custom data pulls samples


Online Reports

  Tableau reports require additional access. Please email to request access. 


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Award Dashboard

Award counts, budgets and detail by college, unit, AMT team, sponsor type with filters by College, Unit, Sponsor Type, PI and more.
  • Awards
  • Summary

Award Deliverables - On Time Summary and Backlog of Open Deliverables

AMT metrics to measure on time completion of award deliverables and to show the backlog of deliverables.
  • Awards
  • Metrics

Award Funds Availabiility by Investigator

Displays all active awards and accounts and their budget vs expenditures for an investigator. An investigator is anyone listed on the award. This is a way for PI's to see the entire funding status for awards where they are Co-PIs (or some other role).
  • Awards
  • Investigator Reporting

Award Obligations Remaining

This report subtracts all expenditures from award obligations received to get awards still remaining. Search for a specific award or view by lead college/unit.
  • Awards

Award Recognition

Award attributes with recognition-level details.
  • Awards
  • Summary

Biodesign Analytics

Biodesign Proposal, Award, Expenditure Recognition by Center and Investigator.
  • Custom Reporting

Biodesign Awards Expiring Within 365 Days

All awards where a Biodesign center is recognized that is expiring within 365 days. Lists investigators and their recognized award amounts, as well as their pending proposals.
  • Awards
  • Custom Reporting

Biodesign Center Staff Directory

Employees and non-employees associated with each Biodesign center.
  • Reference

CESP Strategic Partnerships

Power BI dashboard showing Industry Partners, Healthcare Partners, and NEI Partners
  • Custom Reporting

Change Management Board

Report detailing the number of requests submitted and approved by the KE Change Management Board.
  • Custom Reporting
  • Metrics

COEUS Award Comments

Comments by award from COEUS.
  • Awards

College of Global Futures, School of Ocean Futures (SOF)

Proposal, Award, and Expenditure data by investigator for the College of Global Futures, School of Ocean Futures (SOF).
  • Custom Reporting

College Research Metrics

Summary level metrics for Colleges based on specific key words.
  • Summary

Concept Report: Space, NASA, and Related Awards

Total obligations for all space-related awards. Pulled from daily snapshot; current month obligations not yet audited.
  • Awards
  • Custom Reporting


Awards where award type is selected as "consortium". Also includes data by sponsor and the connecting funding proposal(s).
  • Awards