The ASU advantage

Great decisions demand smart data analytics. Knowledge Enterprise Analytics is here to help you maximize the value of your data, unearth fresh insights and predict and identify trends.

Our services will make it possible for you to acquire insights quickly, even in the face of today’s growing data complexity. We specialize in data visualization using a variety of tools such as Power BI, Tableau and Excel to suit your specific needs. We transform data into rich visuals such as geographical maps, interactive combination bar and line graphs, and scorecards to identify important metrics that you can present to the right people, at the right time, for the right impact.

Find answers to your most pressing research questions, such as:

Find collaborators
What is ASU doing with researchers in France?
Funding from USAID
How do I set appropriate sponsored project goals for my research center?
Identify research funding trends
How many graduate research associates are paid off of grants?
Seek data to increase funding
How do I find collaborators for a research project?
ASU received USAID
Who at ASU has received funding from USAID?
NSF Career award
Can I see who has received the NSF Career award for an expert panel I’m organizing?

Analytical and decision support subscriptions

We provide access to several subscription tools for ASU faculty and staff, including:

A publicly available expertise profiling system based on publications and grants data.
An online platform for analyzing publication trends and collaborations available to the ASU community.
A platform for analyzing publications, funded grants and more, available to the ASU community.

How do we know where we are going if we don’t know where we are? The KE Analytics team provides great insight and tools to allow us to assess effectiveness of our efforts and leverage full capabilities of ASU to address national security challenges. They are a critical partner.”

Nadya Bliss
Executive director, Global Security Initiative